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Preventative Care

We believe that preventative care is the basis for keeping a happy and healthy pet. To achieve this, we recommend yearly wellness exams. This allows our veterinarians to perform a complete physical exam from "head to tail" on your pet. 


At this visit, our veterinary care team will discuss current recommendations regarding vaccination protocols, developing a parasite control plan for heartworm disease, fleas and ticks and address any other concerns you may have. This also helps establish a baseline and allows us to detect any early signs of disease. We take the time to discuss everything with you open and honestly and then follow up with you as needed. We want to educate our clients on everything that is occurring with their pet and work together to keep them as healthy as we can.


Vaccinations are a vital component to preventative care. We realize there is not a vaccination protocol that fits each pet. We strive to make individual plans for each and every pet based on their lifestyle,  general health and age. 


We recommend all our patients be on heartworm, flea, and tick prevention year round. In Central Illinois, we do not get cold enough winters to kill off all mosquitoes and fleas and they can often be found in our homes during the middle of winter. They can transmit diseases as well as cause dermatological problems in our dogs, cats and ferrets.  


To prevent against heartworm disease, we carry ProHeart, Heartgard and Revolution for our canine patients and Revolution for our Feline patients. 


To prevent against fleas and ticks, we carry Nexgard and Revolution for our canine patients and Revolution for our Feline patients. 


Please call to see how we can help you keep your beloved pet healthy and happy!

Office Hours: 
Monday -  Friday            7:30 am - 6:00 pm
Tuesday                            Closed 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday        Closed     
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